Listen: Julian Reyes Shares Vision of Virtual Worlds Museum in New Virtual World Society Podcast

Hear Virtual Worlds Museum founder Julian Reyes chat with Maxwell McGee, award-winning host of the Virtual World Society podcast highlighting XR industry leaders.

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January 30, 2024
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Listen: Julian Reyes Shares Vision of Virtual Worlds Museum in New Virtual World Society Podcast

Listen: Julian Reyes Shares Vision of Virtual Worlds Museum in New Virtual World Society Podcast

Go here to hear Virtual Worlds Museum founder Julian Reyes chat with Maxwell McGee, award-winning host of the Virtual World Society podcast highlighting XR industry leaders.

Julian tells Maxwell about how he came to found the Museum, and its mission to become a community space for sharing knowledge and experiences throughout the history of virtual worlds, beginning with LucasArt’s Habitat in 1987. (Though as Julian points out, the history of virtual worlds can actually be traced back to Biblical times, the Egyptians, and Plato’s Allegory of the cave.) 

Julian Reyes shares his passion about preserving and showcasing virtual worlds, and creating a museum that can help shape the future of this technology. The Museum’s ultimate mission is to be a valuable resource and live event space for both enthusiasts and newcomers, and to ensure that the metaverse is developed in a way that benefits everyone. 

Maxwell’s Virtual World Society and its global membership are devoted to promoting the adoption and deployment of XR and other emergent technologies in socially positive ways -- values we share at the Virtual World Museum, along with our core values of exploration, preservation, and inspiration!

At the Museum website, as Julian tells Maxwell, “People can donate, people can volunteer, people can learn -- and then when the exhibits are built, they will actually act like hubs to host events and have panel discussions, have Metaverse book launches, and talk about ethics and all of the things that will make our industry stronger and have longevity. 

“So don't believe the hype that the metaverse is in peril; we are just beginning.” 

Listen to the whole thing here, and check back soon for more exciting announcements.